دورات تدريبية

 IAEA, Marine Environment Lab, Monaco, France, July 7-24, 1992.

Title: Diploma in Separation and identification of organochlorine pesticides & polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) in the marine samples using Gas Chromatography.

UNEP/IAEA, National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt, October 11-21, 1992.

Title: Diploma in Separation and identification of petroleum hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides & polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) in the marine samples using Gas chromatography technique.

 International Ocean Institute (IOI), Dalhaousie University, Halifax, Canada, June 9 - August 15, 1997.

Title:  Diploma in The United Nations Convention on the Low of the Sea, Oceanography and the Role of Science in Ocean Policy and Management, Management of living resources, Management of non-living resources, Offshore hydrocarbons, integrated ocean and coastal management & Environmental Impact Assessment.”

آخر تحديث
5/10/2009 1:57:45 PM